September 23rd 2024
AtomOS 11.10.01 Firmware Release Notes
Ninja V+
Installation Instructions
Atomos recommends that your Ninja V+ is plugged into mains power before commencing the firmware update.
- Insert a compatible, formatted SSD into the Docking Station.
- Unzip the downloaded file and copy the ATOMNJP.FW file to the root of the SSD.
- Eject the SSD (according to operating system guidelines).
- Insert the SSD into the Ninja V+.
- If you have an Atomos Connect accessory ensure this is connected to your device before powering on, as the module firmware will also need to be updated as part of this FW release.
- Power on the Ninja V+ and the firmware update process will begin automatically.
- If your Ninja V+ is already powered on, you will be prompted to perform the firmware update when a drive containing new firmware is inserted.
- Once the update is complete, your Ninja V+ will power itself down.
- Power your Ninja V+ back on and the device will automatically start updating the Atomos Connect accessory.
- To verify if the firmware update was successfully completed, navigate to the main menu and scroll to the info tab.
Note: Once firmware 11.10.01 is successfully installed on the Ninja V+, the unit may reboot to update the Atomos Connect firmware. Do not interrupt the firmware installation process.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
AtomOS 11.10.01 resolves a few critical issues with the Camera to Cloud implementation found after the release of last week's 11.10.00 update.
- Addressed an instability in the C2C Upload process (either direct to Frame.io or via Atomos Cloud Studio). If a backlog of files was queued up, the uploading process could crash, which might prevent the files being uploaded, but could also interfere with subsequent recording.
- Resolved an issue that resulted in C2C files being uploaded with an incorrect timestamp. This may have occurred when starting the recording while the device wasn't connected to the internet, but established a connection during the recording of the same take.
- Addressed an issue that resulted in intermittent frame drops when recording 4Kp60 signals with H.265 selected as the main recording codec. This could also lead to the record button to be greyed-out temporarily.
Known Limitations to be resolved in future releases
- It may take up to 10 seconds for Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections to re-established when users switch between record and playback mode. Please allow the system time to automatically reconnect to your network.
- The Pause and Resume playback controls may not be selectable when trying to play back H.265 clips that were recorded with B-frames enabled.
- In some rare instances, A/V Sync drift may be observed whilst the device in NDI RX mode.
- When starting a stream using Wowza in SRT Listener mode, it may occasionally take up to two minutes to detect this device's SRT output.
- Network Record Control is not available when H.265 is selected as the record format.
- Live Streaming is only available when using standard YCC 422 video inputs, and when the record codec is set to either ProRes or DNx. If ProRes RAW or H.265 are selected as the record codec, streaming isn't available.
- If the user boots into ProRes RAW recording mode with a YCC SDI Input, the monitoring image may be incorrect. Monitoring and Recording whilst outputting a RAW signal to the Ninja V+ in ProRes RAW mode will work as expected.
- If switching between different camera models whilst HDMI Compatibility mode is selected, ensure that you reboot the Ninja V+ before connecting a new camera.
- In playback mode, selecting the first ProRes RAW file to view, some artifacts may be visible. These are not present in the recorded file and will not appear on any clips played after the first selected clip
- Sluggish performance when using two AtomRemote apps connected to a single Atomos Connect. Please only pair one AtomRemote app per device.