April 11th 2024
AtomOS 11.05.00 Firmware Release Notes
Installation Instructions
Atomos recommends that your Ninja is plugged into mains power before commencing the firmware update.
- Insert a compatible, formatted SSD into the Docking Station.
- Unzip the downloaded file and copy the ATOMNJA.FW file to the root directory of the SSD.
- Eject the SSD according to operating system guidelines.
- Insert the SSD into the Ninja.
- If you have an Atomos Connect accessory, ensure this is connected to your device before powering on, as the module firmware will also need to be updated as part of this FW release.
- Power on the Ninja and the firmware update process will begin automatically.
Note: If your Ninja is already powered on, you will be prompted to perform the firmware update when a drive containing new firmware is inserted.
- Once the update is complete, your Ninja will power itself down.
- Power your Ninja back on and the device will automatically start updating the Atomos Connect accessory.
- To verify if the firmware update was successfully completed, navigate to the main menu and scroll to the info tab.
Note: Once firmware 11.05.00 is successfully installed on your Ninja, the unit may reboot to update the Atomos Connect firmware. Do not interrupt the firmware installation process.
New Features
AtomOS 11.05.00 adds some exciting new features for connected workflows to your OS11 device, as well as some helpful usability enhancements.
NDI RX Integration
After rolling out NDI TX (Transmit) across our connected Ninja and Shogun range, we're rounding off our NDI integration with the implementation of NDI RX (Receive). Users can now use their Connect enabled Atomos devices to receive NDI RX feeds from a broad range of NDI-enabled products through Wi-Fi in the field, or Ethernet on more permanent installations.
NDI RX Specifications
- Supported NDI Standard: NDI HX2
- Supported Resolutions: 1280 × 720, 1920 × 1080, 3840 × 2160
- Supported Frame Rates (Progressive Only): 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60
- Supported Audio Codecs: PCM, AAC
Note: Recording is not available whilst in NDI RX mode.
Note: NDI TX and RX are activated via the same token. If you've previously purchased and activated NDI TX, just installing AtomOS 11.05.00 is all you need in order to use the NDI RX functionality. If you haven't activated NDI yet and wish to use these features, please head to my.atomos.com, to purchase the NDI activation.
NDI TX Improvements
After installing AtomOS 11.05.00, users can now record in ProRes, DNx and H.265 whilst transmitting an NDI feed via the network. Before this update, recording was limited to H.265 only.
NDI Discovery Server Implementation
Using a NDI Discovery Server reduces network strain by avoiding using mDNS for service discovery, and is another welcome option for advanced NDI users utilizing our products in large installations. It is selectable via the NDI Tab in the main menu.
Introduction of HDMI File Naming
What's already a much sought-after feature for professional SDI-Cine cameras, is now coming to HDMI cameras for the first time ever! Users of Nikon's impressive flagship camera, the Z9, can now record high-quality proxy clips on their Atomos recorders with matching file names to their internally recorded "Hero" clips.
This is a game changer for any Z9 shooter, trying to branch out into advanced Camera to Cloud workflows using an Atomos Connect-enabled device. Proxy clips uploaded to popular C2C services such as Frame.io or Sony CI Media now share the same file names as their internally recorded ProRes, ProRes RAW, or Nikon N-RAW clips, which makes replacing the proxies recorded and uploaded from their Atomos recorder an absolute breeze.
Usability Enhancements
From AtomOS 11.05.00 onward, the device will display dialog boxes that appear when you're trying to access features that are unavailable to use/select in the currently configured device mode. This should help users identify why, for example, the record button might be greyed out, as well as providing them with relevant suggestions/background information for troubleshooting.
Example: Trying to record in ProRes RAW, whilst the camera is only outputting YCC Video, will bring up a dialog box telling users that they need to enable RAW output on their camera.
Known Limitations to be resolved in future releases
- It may take up to 10 seconds for Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections to re-established when users switch between record and playback mode. Please allow the system time to automatically reconnect to your network.
- After a reboot, only start recording in C2C mode once your device is fully connected to the internet (this may take up to 10 seconds). If you don’t wait for the connection to establish, you might end up with duplicate uploads in your C2C destination folder.
- In the RAW + Proxy C2C mode, recording is disabled if the device is being fed a 2Kp59.94 RAW feed from a Sony FX9.
- When switching into C2C mode, the monitoring image might momentarily be displayed with a magenta tint; however, it reverts to the original monitor color shortly after.
- In RemoteView mode, you may experience UI freezes after switching frame rates mid-transmission. We recommend sticking to a single frame rate while using RemoteView.
- When switching to a DCI 4K resolution with H.265 selected as the recording format, RemoteView might not work as expected. We recommend sticking to 16:9 when selecting H.265 as the record format in RemoteView mode.
- When outputting 720p to other devices via HDMI/SDI, there's a chance that image artifacts will be present on the receiving end.
- When playing back an H.265 clip that was recorded at 720p50 & 720p59.94, the Zoom and Waveform monitoring functions are disabled.
- Network Record Control is not available when H.265 is selected as the record format.
- Live Streaming is only available when using standard YCC 422 video inputs, and when the record codec is set to either ProRes or DNx. If ProRes RAW or H.265 are selected as the record codec, streaming isn't available.
- If the user boots into ProRes RAW recording mode with a YCC SDI Input, the monitoring image may be incorrect. Monitoring and Recording whilst outputting a RAW signal to the Ninja in ProRes RAW mode will work as expected.
- If switching between different camera models whilst HDMI Compatibility mode is selected, ensure that you reboot the Ninja before connecting a new camera.
- Performance may be sluggish when using two AtomRemote apps connected to a single Atomos Connect. Please only pair one AtomRemote app per device.
- When shooting in the DCI aspect ratio with dual record enabled, the proxy files are cropped to a 16:9 aspect ratio.