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Atomos was the first company to combine a high-quality touchscreen monitor, removable storage, and Apple ProRes to dramatically improve the quality of video captured by almost any camera. For the first time, video makers could take the uncompressed output from the camera and store it in Apple’s professional, easy-to-edit format. This eBook takes a closer look at what monitor-recorders have to offer.

Introduction to HDR
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a filmmaking technology that brings a much wider range of brightness to video, with sparkling highlights, detailed, nuanced shadows and incredibly realistic reflections. Without exaggeration, HDR brings video to life. This eBook will help you to understand the basic concepts behind HDR and why it is a key component of all Atomos’ core products.

Camera to Cloud
If you’re new to the cloud or know about cloud services but wonder how they can assist you with video production, then this eBook is for you. It looks at why you need the cloud, how it works and how to get started with Atomos. Because the more you understand it, the more it can help you.
A Guide to H.265
H.265 is a popular codec choice due to its low bandwidth requirements and smaller file sizes. With H.265, you can store more video, stream in better quality, and edit and publish directly from the cloud for fast turnaround video social media posts. This eBook is for anyone considering using H.265 as a recording format.