Monitor what’s happening on set.
All over the world.
Atomos RemoteView lets you wirelessly share what’s on your AtomOS 11 screen, not just with other Atomos monitors, but also with iPhones, iPads, Macs and Apple TVs. You can monitor what’s happening on-set and look through any connected camera taking the shot, from anywhere in the world. RemoteView doesn’t need expensive hardware – it uses the public internet, so it’s global.
in four easy steps
Create and configure
From your Atomos Cloud Studio account save presets for different configurations to recall at any time.
Select cameras
& input overlays
The inputs to your RemoteView session can be selected from any AtomOS 11 device – Ninja or Ninja Ultra fitted with Atomos Connect, Shogun or Shogun Ultra – or the Atomos Pro Camera app, which can be downloaded from the AppleStore. To assign a watermark, simply upload any transparent .png image.
Choose layout
Choose from eight layout presets – Quad, Large + 3, Large +2 (right), Large +2 (left), Duo, PiP (left), PiP (right) and Single – to determine how the inputs are displayed.
Choose outputs with output overlays
Choose up to four destination monitor feeds. These can be AtomOS 11-enabled Atomos devices such a Ninja and Ninja Ultra, or AppleTV, Mac, iPad or iPhone running the Atomos – Monitor app. Each monitor output can have a separate transparent .png graphic overlay.
Simple to brand
Each monitor output can have its own graphic overlay.
Using Atomos Cloud Studio, you can easily share with the person standing next to you, or someone across the globe! For absolute security, you can burn a watermark into each remote video feed, so there’s no risk of copying. You can also brand your footage with your own or your customer’s logo.
Atomos RemoteView requires Ninja and Ninja Ultra with Atomos Connect and an Atomos Cloud Studio account. It uses the Atomos Credits system for a simple ‘pay as you go service’ for 3 credits per hour.