John Mamutil, an orthodontist based in Sydney, Australia, is also an aspiring cinematographer with a profound passion for photography. “I’ve been interested in photography for as long as I can remember,” John shares. Beyond his medical career, John also works as a software designer, leading a small team of developers. “Over the years, I’ve realized that almost everything is possible in software. I’ve been venturing into cinematography for a while and have gradually built a collection of some incredible cinema and hybrid cameras,” he adds.
Shortly after investing in a pair of Atomos Ninja monitor-recorders, John quickly realized their importance in his cinematography journey. “The Ninjas were essential for me to understand the benefits of ProRes and RAW video,” he explains. The monitor’s built-in features, such as Waveforms, False Color, and Focus Peaking, have significantly enhanced his workflow. He adds, “I love their portability. The display size is perfect, and the high-quality screen delivers clear and sharp images.”